
There are so many useful daily practices that can really make a difference to your emotional well-being and your ability to live according to your values. Things that you can do yourself, or with the help of friends: lifestyle changes, mind training, relationship skills…    

We like to share the ones that we know have a good track record in terms of having helped lots and lots of people… Ones that show up as reliable in scientific research. So please take a look on this page and see what speaks to you. 

Dealing with Difficult Thoughts

After a brief rationale (why our gut instinct doesn’t cut the mustard here) ACT founder Steve Hayes gives about ten techniques for learning to relate skilfully to our “sticky” thoughts:

Diet for Depression

Did you know that Omega 3 plays an important role in the chemistry of our moods?

Clinical trials show that depression can be successfully treated in many people by increasing their omega-3 … In one study it was given to people for whom anti-depressants hadn’t worked – and 69% of them improved on the fish oil!

Download full article

Self-Compassion - the Science

Can Self-Compassion be learnt? And why would you want to bother?

Dr Kristin Neff explains how it works, and outlines the science pointing to a powerful skill-set:

Practice Self-Compassion

Kristin guides you in a 5-minute practice to thicken your capacity to extend compassion to yourself. Be patient with this: it does work, it does take time, it does help to remember that setting the intention to be compassionate (over and over and over…) is what counts:

More of Kristin’s compassion training:

1) Compassionate Body Scan (20 mins) – this one is usually a good place to start.

2) Noting Your Emotions (18 mins)

3) Soften, Soothe, Allow: Working with emotions in the body (15 mins)

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Watch this space

Additional content coming soon!

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Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more talks, tips, tried-&-true tools for living wisely and well. There is an enormous amount of advice out there on the internet, but much of it is not necessarily based in good science. We vet carefully to ensure we pass on only good quality wisdom teachings and relevant new research findings presented well for general public.


11 months ago

Not Okay - A Poignant Poem by Jarod K. Anderson 🙏🏼--I am not okay.So, in the absence of okay,what else can I be?I can be gentle.I can be unashamed.I can turn my pain into connection.I can be a student of stillness.I can be awake to nature.I can sharpen my empathyagainst the stone of my discomfort.I am not okay,but I am many worthy things. ... See MoreSee Less
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11 months ago

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